
Is there a vet in driving distance of La Marina that charges reasonable prices. I paid 28 euros for Vet looking at a sore eye. In Fortuna it would have been 12 euros.

La Marina

Try a Doctor next time, when I had a sore eye I was only charged 8 euros, and she looked in both eyes.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2013-02-09 19:53:52 UTC

That just goes to show how we dog lovers get taken on by vets

Commented caprala in La Marina 2013-02-09 20:52:06 UTC

I go to Veterpet, used to be Ambiguitos, they have a surgery next to Mercadona and the main one in Guardamar. I think they are excellent and the charges are more than fair.

Commented zenophant in La Marina 2013-02-10 10:40:24 UTC

I can thoroughly recommend Laszlo Szakacs. He comes to your house, speaks English and is a very nice caring bloke. I have known him to spend 20 minutes in our house checking our cat over and only charge us 10 Euros! You can't go wrong by giving him a try. He is on 690845883. Geoff.

Commented Geoff in La Marina 2013-02-10 16:40:22 UTC